
My personal/University projects in computer science.

  • Web Development: This project took place during my senior year at Rowan University in a course called Intro to Web Development. It was the main project and coursework for the semester. It consisted of learning PHP/HTML and some JavaScript to create a website from scratch and connect it to a MySQL database as well.
  • Computing and Informatics Capstone: This is the final project for the major consisting of every skill we’ve learned up until this point. It not only allows us to actually put our skills to the test but also it was the first time working in a group on a single software development project. It is a website built from scratch using PHP again but this time it has to connect to an API of our choice that fits within our theme. Our theme was sports data. Here is my work in the project and the main site as it exists now.


  • Coming Soon…. Android App (wt. What’s for Dinner?) Starting my experience in app development I have always wanted to create an app. I am choosing android as I own an android device. Every app starts with a problem that needs a solution. For as long as I can remember my Mom would always be unsure what to make for dinner. It sparked an idea for a simplistic but useful app that you could load your favorite recipes and favorite local restaurants. The app would simply help you decide what to make. It would first suggest a few recipes you have stored and if you don’t like any of the options it would suggest new ones online. From there you can decide to make it or move on to ordering in or going out to eat. Eventually the app would track if you’ve made certain recipes in a week and stop suggesting it. Still very much a work in progress but it is being built with Kotlin in Android Studio.